We hope you enjoy your visit to Liphook, and if you have any questions about dress, the Secretary or Bar Staff are here to help.
Visitors must observe the Rules of Etiquette on the course and we ask visitors to observe the Club’s dress code and etiquette as follows:
Dress Code on the course
- Clean golf, sports and casual wear
- Tailored shorts, above the knee (men).
- Short predominantly white socks or coloured long socks (men).
- Men’s shirts tucked in at all times.
- Hats and baseball caps (peak to the front)
- Dirty, torn, ripped clothing
- Blue denim jeans, trainers
- Low round or “v “ shaped necked tee shirts, sweaters, jumpers or sweatshirts, unless worn with a collared shirt
- Clothes carrying large or offensive slogans
Dress Code in the Clubhouse
- The acceptable and unacceptable “course” code above applies, with the exception that smart denim jeans, of any colour, are acceptable (but not torn or worn below the hip) are not to be worn in the dining room. If tailored shorts are worn, all coloured socks (or sockless if loafers are worn) are acceptable.
- No hats or caps
- Golf shoes are not to be worn in the Dining Room
- Jackets and ties (or equivalent for Ladies) are always welcome in the Dining Room, but not required (unless prescribed by the event organiser)
- Apart from the changing room, “Sliders” or flip Flops are not to be worn in the Clubhouse.
Wi-fi is installed in the clubhouse for access to emails and the internet using mobile devices. The use of mobile phones for voice calls is prohibited in the clubhouse and phones should be switched to silent. They may be used on the course only in an emergency.
Shoes must be changed in the Club locker rooms.
Our bunker rakes are left IN the bunkers after use not outside or part-in.
Organisers are asked to inform their players that parking in the Car Park adjacent to the Club House is for Liphook Golf Club Members only.