The Club shall be called BOHUNT MANOR GOLF CLUB
The management of the Club shall be in the hands of a Committee consisting of the Captain (who also acts as chairman), Vice-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Competition Secretary, and four Members of the Club.
The Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer and Competition Secretary (the Officers) shall be Members of the Club elected at every AGM. They shall hold office until the next AGM following their election. They shall be eligible for re-election.
The four Club Members on the Committee will serve for a period of two years; two Members will retire at every AGM and shall not be eligible for re-election until the following AGM. The two Members to retire will be those who have been longest in office.
Candidates for election to the Committee, including Officers must be proposed and seconded by Members of the Club. If the numbers of candidates eligible for any vacancy exceeds the number of vacancies a ballot shall take place at the AGM.
All nominations for the Committee must be made seven days prior to the AGM.
At any properly constituted meeting of the Committee, one officer and three Members shall form a quorum.
New applicants must be proposed and seconded by an existing Member to whom they are personally known. The Member must be of at least one year's standing and not in a probationary period.
The method by which applications for membership will be processed can be found in Byelaw 3.
The Club is allowed a maximum of two Honorary Members. These Members must be recommended by the Committee and elected at an AGM by a two-thirds majority.
Besides Members and Honorary Members the Club may have a number of non-playing Members. These Members shall not have the right to use the course, nor have the right to take part in an AGM or the management of the Club.
(a) The maximum number of Members and categories of membership will be that as laid down by Liphook Golf Club and the Committee of Bohunt Manor Golf Club. An entrance fee will be charged, and will be set at a level decided by the Committee.
(b) Membership is restricted to person's resident within a six-mile radius of the Bohunt Clubroom.
(c) Members are not permitted to be Members of any other golf club.
(d) All Members will abide by any Rules, Byelaws and Notices issued by Bohunt & Liphook Golf Clubs.
All annual subscriptions shall become due and payable in advance on the 1st July in every year. Any Member not having paid by this date will have their membership rescinded.
Members must inform the Secretary in writing of any change of address and contact details to that held by the Club on file.
Any Member wishing to resign their membership of the Club shall give notice in writing to the Secretary before the 1stJuly in any year, otherwise they shall be liable for the subscription for the financial year current at their date of resignation.
(a) The Committee has the power to expel, or suspend from membership, for such period that the Committee thinks fit, any Member of the Club who shall violate any Rule or Byelaw of the Club or whose conduct shall be such as shall in the opinion of the Committee be injurious to the character or interest of the Club.
(b) Any action can only be initiated following a formal notification in writing sent to the Secretary informing them of the nature and circumstances surrounding the issue being raised.
(c) The Secretary shall call a meeting of the full Committee to consider this notice. The Committee will determine what further action is required to both understand the situation from all involved parties and determine what actions are required to reach a decision on the situation.
(d) Typically, it would be appropriate to seek opinion and further information from the initiator of the complaint and any involved Members including the individual(s) named in the notification. This will either be done by individual meetings or by Members being invited to a full Committee meeting to provide information directly.
(e) Further Committee meetings will be convened to consider all the information available and resolve the matter as quickly as possible. Once a decision has been reached by the Committee it will be communicated to all directly involved parties and a notice placed on the Club Notice Board to indicate the issue raised and the outcome.
(f) In the event of suspension, the Member shall not be entitled to any rebate of their subscription, and shall not be entitled to participate in any of the advantages or privileges of the Club during the period of suspension. A Member who is expelled from the Club shall thereupon forfeit all rights and claims upon the Club or its property.
(a) A General Meeting of the Club shall be held in each year on such a date and at such time as the Committee may decide. At this General Meeting the business will be to fill vacancies on the Committee and to consider a Report and Statement of Accounts for the preceding financial year. It will also consider any proposals for Rule changes which are properly submitted prior to the Meeting as laid down in Rule 13.
(b) Members can also request and lead a discussion on any new or current Byelaw in order to seek an opinion from the membership at the AGM. Any Member wishing to lead this discussion at the meeting shall give notice in writing to the Secretary not less than 14 days prior to the date of such meeting.
(c) Any Member wishing to ask questions regarding the Accounts at the AGM must give seven clear days notice of the question in writing to the Secretary so a considered answer may be given at the meeting. A copy of the Accounts will be posted on the Club Notice Board.
(d) Not less than 21 days before any General Meeting a notice specifying the date and time of the meeting, and the business to be transacted shall be sent to all Members and a copy posted on the Club Notice Board.
(e) The business transacted at a General Meeting shall be limited to that given in the notice convening the meeting.
(f) Ten Members shall form a quorum at the General Meeting. Of which two must be club officers.
(g) If a quorum of Members is not present at the start time of the meeting it shall be postponed until the same day in the following week at the same time and place. At such meeting the business shall be conducted whatever the number of Members present.
(h) At every meeting of the Club the Captain or, in their absence, a Chairman elected by the Committee Members present, shall preside. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote as well as their own.
(i) The Committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting if any matter of importance shall occur and shall be bound to do so on receiving a requisition signed by not less than ten Club Members.
All Members, however qualified, shall be bound by the Rules and Byelaws of the Club, and those issued by Liphook Golf Club.
No Rule of the Club shall be repealed or amended and no new Rule shall be made save after the passing of a resolution at a General Meeting by a majority of at least two-thirds of the Members voting. Notice of the intention of any Member to propose a new Rule or the repeal or alteration of any Rule, together with a statement showing the changes proposed, must be sent to the Secretary not later than fourteen days prior to the General Meeting.
The Committee shall decide all questions arising out of the play and conduct of Members on or off the course.
The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Club and shall have custody of all documents. They shall keep full and correct minutes of all proceedings of the Club and of the Committees, which shall be produced, confirmed and signed at the subsequent Meeting of the Club or Committee as the case may be.
The Committee is empowered to make, alter and repeal Byelaws to meet temporary emergencies, or as they may consider necessary for the well being of the Club. Byelaws shall have affect as Rules unless and until set aside by a General Meeting or repealed or altered by the Committee. A notice of any new Byelaw shall be posted on the ClubNotice Board fourteen days before the day on which such new Byelaw, repeal or alteration shall come into force.
The rules of the game of golf shall be those issued by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, and any Local rules issued by Liphook Golf Club.
(a) The Committee shall meet once a month and may make such arrangements as is suitable for the holding and conduct of the meetings.
(b) The Captain of the Club, or in their absence, a chairman elected by the Members present shall preside at all Meetings of the Committee. In case of equality of votes the chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to their own.
(c) The Committee shall have the power to appoint Sub-Committees or Committee Members for such purposes as they may consider necessary.
(a) Membership is restricted to person's resident within a six-mile radius of the Club, and is limited to 60 Members with 6 places reserved for Lady Golfers. Also 10 Junior member places are for those up to 18 years of age as at 1st July. Members aged between 18-25 years of age will be defined as Intermediate Members again defined by age as at 1st July. Course members are allowed at the discretion of Liphook Golf Club.
(b) Current Members that move outside the six-mile radius may only remain Members at the discretion of the Committee. This concession is subject to annual review by the Committee. New contact details must be forwarded to the Secretary in writing.
(c) Members are not permitted to be members of any other golf club.
(d) All new Members will be on probation for one year to demonstrate active membership of the Club, playing in competitions and matches.
(e) A waiting list of prospective member applications will be kept by the Secretary and a copy posted on the Notice Board.
(a) The Applicant must be proposed and seconded by Members to whom they are personally known. The Members (Full & Intermediate) must be of at least one year's standing and not in a probationary period.
(b) The Applicant must complete an application form, which they will obtain from and return to the Secretary. All applicants will be vetted by the Committee prior to joining the waiting list and will be informed of decisions and any requirements in support of their application.
In some circumstances the Applicant may be asked to play a round with a Committee Officer to assess the general desire of the Applicant toward club golf, their potential golfing competence, etiquette and knowledge of golf playing rules etc.
(c) At the time of application any Applicant who has an active official club handicap may bring that to BMGC. Note that an active handicap will remain valid up to 6 months after being managed by a club.
(d) All Applicants must write to the Secretary each June giving any changes of personal details and confirming their continued wish to stay on the waiting list.
(e) When a vacancy for a new Member becomes available the Prospective Member at the top of the waiting list will be invited for an interview with the Committee and potentially an "Introduction Round" with a Committee Officer prior to Interview.
(f) Successful applicants will be on probation for a period of 1 year, a period that can be extended at the discretion of the Committee.
(g) Upon joining the Club, new Members will pay a joining fee in addition to a year's subscription (or annual proportion if joining the club mid-year).
(h) When joining the club, any new Members who do not join with a current active handicap from another club will be expected to obtain a CONGU handicap within 6 months through use of supplementary cards or by playing in club competitions.
Members may introduce playing or non-playing guests into the Liphook Clubhouse and must enter their names in the visitor's book on arrival. Not more than three guests may be introduced by any one Member on any one day and the same guest may not be introduced more than six times in any one calendar year. It is implicit in this Byelaw that Members should play with their guests or, in the case of non-playing guests, be present with them in the Clubhouse. Children under 12 years of age can only be admitted to the Clubhouse while under full supervision of the introducing member.
Members entering Club competitions should normally have their cards marked by another Member, but the Secretary or Committee Member may, at their discretion, permit a competitor to have their card marked by a non-member who is a member of a recognised golf club or association.
Member's handicaps will be constantly monitored quarterly and adjustments may be made in line with CONGU regulations. A full handicap review will take place on an annual basis in January.
(a) All competitions have start sheets placed on the main Notice Board four weeks prior to the date of the competition. Members must put their names against the time they wish to start.
(b) Any player who is late and misses their start time will be penalised two penalty shots or points, or 1 hole. The committee will review individual cases and may impose further penalty. Any player who fails to arrive will have their scorecard excluded from the next two weekend competitions. This means not gaining any ranking points or being listed within the competition results and unable to win or receive any prize.
(c) Advance payment of competition entry fees is included in the annual subscription. Certain competitions will be subject to a separate entry fee payable on the day.
(d) All competitions that end in a tie shall be decided by count back of the last 9, 6, 3, 1, then the last 12, 15, 16, and 17. This will also apply in 36-hole competitions with count back on the pm round. Match play competitions will continue on a sudden death basis. Handicap allowance as per stroke index.
(e) Members winning a pairs event will be allowed to defend it the following year.
(f) Winners of competitions that receive prizes from sponsors will not also receive prize vouchers.
(g) A payment will be made to anyone scoring a hole in one during any club competition or match (currently set by the committee to £50).
(a) The Club plays friendly matches against a number of local clubs. Members wishing to play in these matches should enter their names on the match sheets on the Notice Board to indicate their availability. The Captain will pick the team.
(b) A match fee (as set by the committee) will be charged for all Club matches; used to contribute to the cost of meals for home matches.
Members will not park in the centre metalled car park, which is reserved for Liphook Golf Club Members.
10. DOGS
No dogs will be allowed in the Clubhouse.
(a) The Club or Liphook Golf Club accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any property of any nature of Members or visitors left in the dressing rooms, car parks, or anywhere else on the Club premises including the golf course. All property is brought or left at the owner's sole risk.
(b) The Club or Liphook Golf Club will not be responsible for any accident or injury occurring to a Member or visitor by reason of negligence or otherwise whilst on the Club premises including the golf course.
(a) Members are not allowed to start from the tenth tee on Sunday mornings.
(b) Members must comply with Liphook Golf Club dress regulations on and off the course.
(c) Members will only use the dining room and lounge bar on Club match days and special occasions. The spike bar is available for general use. On Sunday mornings Members should try to vacate the bar by 13.00 hours but this is flexible.
(d) Members are also permitted to book in for Sunday lunch in the dining room as per Liphook Golf Club guidelines. The Liphook Golf Club dress code should be followed.
(e) Trolleys and clubs are not to be left in the Clubroom.
(f) Spikes are not to be worn on any non-carpeted area of the Bohunt Clubroom.
(a) Junior Membership is limited to 10 Members age 12-18 years (as at 1st July). No application will be considered after an applicant's 16th birthday. The application procedure will be as laid down in Byelaw 3.
(b) Junior Members may only play with a full adult Member. They can play and mark a card with adult Members in midweek competitions to obtain a handicap.
(c) Junior Members have full playing privileges when a handicap of 28 or less is reached. They are eligible to win trophies and prizes.
(d) Junior Members are not permitted to sign visitors into the Club nor are they able to be elected to any committee positions.
(e) Junior Members can propose/second any prospective new junior members but not any other applicants for Intermediate or Full membership.
(f) Transfer to the intermediate membership at 18 years of age is not automatic. This can only take place after interview with and the approval of the Committee.